Monday 2 May 2011

The Royal Wedding

Kate Middiletons dress look like a Bee Keppers mask the bit that went over her face.
It went  for SIX HOURS lucky that it was school holidays utherwhys i would,nt be able to watch it.
When they kissed I blocked my eyes because it was hidies. The little girl blocked her ears  I laughed because it was funny. I liked all of the soliders because they were coulorful.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Gabe

    you need to practice your proof-reading skills before you post - check the spelling of things you are not sure off e.g. hidias = hideous and otherwise etc
    anything underlined in red when you are writing is spelt wrong - use a dictionary!
    I love that you cringed at the kiss - I thought it was lovely! Hee Hee!
