Tuesday 17 November 2009

Athletics day 2009

This term we had Athletics, it was awesome! We had our Athletics at the Trust Stadium, the weather wasn't so good, but we managed to get through. These are the types of events we had: Shot Putt, 100m sprints, long jump, discus, high jump and novelty races. In athletics there were different times for different ages. Like for the 10 year old girls they had a break first and the 11 year old boys and girls had shot putt. It was really nice for everyone to have breaks because they got to hang out with their friends and eat! Everyone had a great time, especially the people who got 1st, 2nd or 3rd. There were people who got really tired, they even got sleepy! Even though some people didn't come 1st, 2nd, 3rd they are still proud of themselves, for trying their best. Lots of people had sore legs and sore arms, people were also excited and terrified. There were also parent helpers who helped during the events. Thanks to all the people who came to support us. After all the events all the people who wanted to do the 800m had to run around the track two times. In the end we had Relay races, which is when the pods v.s each other. Also the relay racers got to v.s the teachers! It was hilarious!! All together we think Athletics day is a fun day for even people who are not very sporty and we shouldn't stop doing it every year.
By Sapwe & Lynette

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