Summerland Primary school had PINs. This time only Year 3s and 4s. We got to do can decorating, juggling, edible art, digital art, bird watching, compost building, pizza making, going for a walk to the lake, drama and sport. I did edible art my name is Stephanie. Edible art was so good we got to design our own cookies with icing and lollies. The lollies were really outstanding they were yummy. There was a lot of color icing there was green, pink and blue. We had to make a picture with icing and lollies you could make a sky tower with marshmellows and scittles, you could make a happy face with banana lollies and scittles, you can make an eyeball you could make anything you wanted to make. Juggling was incredibly fun. First we had to sit in a circle and introduce ourselves. Then we watched a person juggle two balls. We juggled two balls. Then we did a show of what we learnt. We did a quiz. Then we had morning tea.
By Faaizah and Stephanie